Cindy Folkers (Beyond Nuclear) and Mary Olson (Gender and Radiation Impact Project) have set out to teach about radiation—not the same as an advocacy training… We want to help people be able to think about ionizing radiation, to better understand presentations, research papers, policy statements, and be more confident in asking questions, as well as helping their communities to understand radiation’s hazards better. We decided to teach on-line, in a “short-course” format. Our first class, teaming up with Ian Fairlie has gone well!
We plan to continue teaching—with a different set of options each quarter…though likely a basics class will recur. Two more classes are slated for this Fall. All via Zoom, we offer web page where the talks are pre-recorded and participants can watch at their own pace, as well as additional reading. Coming up:
OCTOBER: DISPROPORTIONATE IMPACT OF IONIZING RADIATION 3 evenings— Class time for discussion and questions, Oct 25th, 26th and 27th at 7pm eastern time
We will look at evidence of greater harm from radiation to women, and to developing embryo and fetus and young children, as well as well documented targeting of People of Color and Indigenous people. We will welcome Ian Zabarte of the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation as a guest speaker. Cindy Folkers brings her extensive review of literature from the historical perspective, and Mary Olson speaks about her biological findings and a long perspective working on national and some global nuclear policy since 1991.
DECEMBER: UNDERSTANDING THE HOW AND WHY OF U.S. RADIATION REGULATION — Class meetings for dialogue and questions, 3 days, Dec 6th, 7th and 8th at noon, eastern time.
Dave Lochbaum and Diane D’Arrigo (Nuclear Information and Resource Service) join us in presenting a historical perspective, the current primary federal regulations, how these are implemented and a thorough review of both the current Reference Man, and the proposal being promoted by both Beyond Nuclear and Gender and Radiation Impact Project for Reference Girl. Cindy and Mary will also present.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED We are charging fees on a sliding scale ($30—$300) —AND we have a scholarship fund. No one turned away for financial reasons.
More information: https://www.genderandradiation.org/classes