Through the Gender + Radiation Impact Project, we have the chance to put our resources into a project whose goal is keep our grandchildren from knowing the harm of radiation.
How can you become a guardian of future generations?
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The Gender and Radiation Impact Project seeks an overall reduction in radiation exposure for all, particularly women and young girls, disclosure and informed consent prior to receiving any androgenic radiation exposure, and an increased societal commitment and protection to deliver points one and two consistently.
In the course of a broad review, we support the “reference human” to be from the life-phase that suffers the greatest harm: little girls. Approaches worthy of support could include:
a phase-out of nuclear industrial operations in favor of non-nuclear alternatives
real-time radiation monitoring available in real time on the web
radiation monitoring of food and water results routinely made public
employment policies for licensed radioactive workplaces - including medical - that include a daily disclosure of cumulative exposure to date and next anticipated doses, and
a Surgeon General's warning on all institutionalized exposures including radioactive jobs, medical practices, contaminated sites, emissions and contaminated water.
We must support key researchers to develop new approaches and solutions. We must start now.
Join the Gender and Radiation Impact Project in jump-starting a five-year effort to broaden research on the impact of radiation to include girls, women and the entire human life-cycle. Together, we’ll search for answers and protect our grandchildren in the meantime. Be a Research Catalyst today!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”